Learn how to prepare the best roasted broccoli ever to surprise yourself

Indeed, greens have never been the most attractive options for children. When it came to green foods such as cabbage, zucchini and broccoli, it was very difficult to convince the little ones to eat. That kind of food has always been less interesting than a nice bowl of chips and pasta with sauce. However, there are several ways to prepare a dish. See below how to prepare the broccoli surprisingly.

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No matter how it is prepared, broccoli is often a terror for children. However, as adults, this image of “green trees” can change completely. The simplest pleasure of this food ends up making it one of the best options, because, in addition to being tasty, it is very healthy.

Even though foods, when fried, seem to taste better, one of the most common and people's favorite ways is to bake them. When prepared this way, the brown, crispy edges of broccoli bring out a unique flavor for the food.

Currently, it has become common to crush food and broccoli is no different. In addition, there is the classic technique of parboiling the potatoes, then mashing them with a glass, then roasting them until they are crispy and have golden edges.

With that in mind, does crushing roasted broccoli actually make it tastier? It is to be expected that green vegetables, seasoned with oil and salt and placed to roast at high temperatures, are delicious.

However, after baking for about five minutes, coming out with a cup or pitcher and mashing the florets will make them even more delicious. This happens because, when returning to the oven, with thinner parts due to the previous process, the broccoli creates more golden and crunchy layers that are able to conquer even the palate of children.

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