Highly Developed Brain: Creative people have unique brain connections

Everyone knows that the more you stimulate the brain, the more it develops and creates connections between neurons. However, some scientists at the University of California at Los Angeles discovered that the brains of creative people work differently. The main difference observed is that these people make connections farther and faster than is common.

In this article, we'll cover the main differences in the brains of creative people and how this affects their memory. If you are curious about this subject, check out the text in full. Good reading!

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Recent discoveries about brain connections

This study consists of brain imaging research using magnetic resonance imaging to assess how neurons interact. Indeed, the brain is still little studied and, therefore, it is still not known how it works in a total way. What has been dated is that humans tend to make the same brain connections when performing tasks over and over again.

However, the UCLA researchers concluded that people who work in the arts tend to make totally unique connections in their brains. With this, it is possible to say that creativity is related to biological issues, such as the interaction of neurons in the nervous system.

What is the difference between arts and sciences in the brain?

Many people know that the brain usually has two well-defined regions that separate creativity from reason: the right side and the left side. Generally, the more you develop one of these regions, the more it develops and becomes dominant. However, the study directed by UCLA professor Ariana Anderson states that for creative people, the two sides of the brain need to be strongly connected.

For this study, the analyzed groups were separated according to IQ levels and the researchers focused on local and global brain connections.

The conclusion of the study is that more creative people have global connections, on both sides of the brain, more intense and more frequently. Furthermore, the researchers also concluded that these connections are different due to experience, so anyone can develop this brain activity faster.

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