Amateurs: these are the 7 main mistakes of beginners in the kitchen

Throughout our lives, we hear and repeat mistakes in the kitchen that are propagated by generations. This happens very often among cooks more inexperienced or those who are not used to cooking on a daily basis. In order to get rid of these silly misconceptions, we separate some tips to help. They are essential for those who have little experience with pans. See what the most common mistakes are out there!

Most common mistakes in the kitchen

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In this list, you will find some suggestions for those who are starting in the kitchen and make some mistakes.

Cooking legumes with salt

Did you know that legumes, such as beans and lentils, should not be cooked with salt? This is because it interferes with the correct cooking of the grain, as it prevents the water from penetrating well. In addition to salt, it is also not recommended that you put seasonings during cooking, as they can also disturb the grain when it reaches the right point.

Cooking pasta with salt

Well, in addition to the beans, you also don't need to add salt to the pasta water before it boils. It should be added a few seconds before adding the pasta to the water, as the mineral increases the time it takes for the liquid to boil. That way, you even save a little gas.

High temperatures for cakes

When cakes are baked at high temperatures, crusting occurs on the surface and sides. Heat will not penetrate inside. Baking the cake at high temperatures may take longer than necessary. Also, you run the risk of leaving the interior dry. The ideal temperature is between 165 and 175 ºC.

Excess yeast in cakes

Still on cakes, another common mistake is to get the wrong dose of yeast. In addition to spoiling the flavor, excess yeast results in a dough that wilts quickly.

Overbeating the cake batter

During preparation, overmix the pasta after adding the flour it will make the whole thing elastic. Creed! Avoid at all costs. This is due to the release of gluten from flour and will not be interesting at all.

Cooking potatoes in boiling water

The correct thing, in fact, is to take the potato with the water to the fire, not add it when the water is already boiling. That's because boiling water damages the surface of the potato and gets in the way of cooking. Curious, huh?

Oil in pasta water

This is one of the most common mistakes on the list: adding oil to pasta cooking water is seen in the kitchens of many things. It turns out that pasta, for example, needs to be free in the water so it doesn't get sticky. Adding oil does not affect the result. The fat will create a layer and prevent the sauce from getting into the pasta.

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