Ruby Rose Threatens to Expose Batwoman Staff Misconduct

The former star of Batwoman Ruby Rose and Warner Bros. are currently involved in an increasingly heated dispute. Rose unexpectedly left the show after its first season. It wasn't long before rumors surfaced about the falling out between her and the production team.

This all came to a head last week when Rose made a series of dramatic allegations about safety during filming and the way she was treated after being injured.

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Warner Bros. hit back and called her claims "revisionist history," saying they didn't pick her up for a second season "based on multiple complaints about her behavior in the workplace."

Unfortunately for Warner Bros., it looks like Rose has proof. In an Instagram story, she shared a series of screenshots showing behind-the-scenes discussions about her injury and hints of what's to come.

No one knows where this story will go, though Rose's claims are substantially overshadowing Batwoman season 3 and generating a lot of bad publicity for Warner Bros.

Whatever happens, it looks like she's burned her bridges with Warner Bros. Could there be more revelations to come? This, in addition to the spotlight on set safety occasioned by the Alec Baldwin incident on Rust, is creating an air of increased scrutiny around what goes on behind the scenes on movies and shows.

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