Pets will also suffer from the end of the home office

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A pandemic of the new Coronavirus was not easy for any of us. The situation was devastating for those who lost loved ones. But the measure, essential to contain the spread of the virus, is not without consequences. Apart from the impacts on the economy, isolation also affected, perceptibly or not, the psychology of all of us.

One of the ways out of many people during this period was to adopt an animal, even those who did not suffer the consequences of the virus closely, suffered from the pressure of social isolation, but their pets also suffer from it, so it's important to know how to act with pets after the end of Home Office.

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The company of a pet makes social isolation bearable and helps distract the mind from the flood of bad news we've been exposed to throughout this year.

However, just as we were affected by the limited routine between four walls, the pets also suffered with consequences. More than that, they got used to the constant presence of the owner at home and, with the end of the pandemic, approaching (and with it, the end of the home office), we need to be careful with how this return to normality will happen.

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What are the risks involved?

Think about the situation of an adopted animal during the pandemic. A dog, for example. This little dog got used to the constant presence of the owner, with scheduled walks at certain times of the day. It already has its own food routine. It has affection and protection and even play whenever it wants, just enter the room and snuggle in the owner's legs.

The return to a work routine is already stressful enough for us, who ended up getting used to the home office. Imagine for a dog that, during its entire period in the house, was used to the owner's company? Leaving an animal unaccustomed to being alone at home can generate stress spikes, which result in various health problems for the pet, and may, in rare cases, lead to death!

What to do to avoid?

First of all, detach your pet a little. That's right, leave him alone for a while, even indoors. When he is eating or playing, stay in another room, preferably with the door closed.

This ties in with the second tip: Decrease the amount of petting. If you're going back to working in person, remember that your pet will have to get used to the distance, so don't let him get used to having contact at any time.

Remember: you won't be home all the time. That is, you will not be able to leave with your pet at any time. So get him used to only going out for a walk at times when you will actually be able to do that when you get back to face-to-face.

And most importantly, get him used to peeing at home! Separate a corner of the house so that he is not dependent on you to go to the bathroom.

Finally, some tricks are very efficient to keep your pet relaxed: put on calm music; resort to some foods that help keep the animal calm and, above all, avoid prolonged goodbyes. If you're going out every day, it's better to treat this event in a natural way.

Following these tips, you'll know how to act with pets after the end of the Home Office. Want to know more tips? Follow the website of School Education!

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