ChatGPT can be used by neuroscientists in brain scans

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In a recent study conducted by the University of Texas, neuroscientists discovered an innovative way to translate the scans of the brain activity into words, using the same artificial intelligence technology that powers ChatGPT, a platform developed by OpenAI.

See too: ChatGPT writes long texts, but does not hold its own in advanced math

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This discovery promises to revolutionize the way people who have lost the ability to speak can communicate.

By exploring AI technology, scientific sampling has shown how it is possible to extract words just by looking at an individual's brain activity.

The methodology behind the study

Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and Computer Science, Alexander Huth, volunteered for this pioneering research.

He spent more than 20 hours confined in an MRI machine while listening to audio clips and allowing detailed pictures of his brain to be captured.

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Using GPT-1, a language model from OpenAI, trained with a vast amount of data from books and websites, the researchers were able to teach the AI ​​to predict the words Huth and other volunteers heard, just by monitoring their activities brain.

While this technology is in its infancy and has great potential, its limitations bring relief to some. After all, AI cannot easily read human minds, at least for now.

scientific advances

The researchers believe that this innovation could be used in the future by people with “lock-in” syndrome, victims of strokes and other cases in which the brain function, but the individual's ability to speak is compromised.

On the other hand, these advances also raise ethical and controversial questions about the use of this technology in controversial environments.

The researchers point out that, at the moment, it cannot be used to extract confessions or expose deep, dark secrets.

While medical technology is rapidly evolving and can bring significant improvements to patients' lives, it is critical to carefully consider your applications and ensure they are used ethically and responsibly.
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