It's time to test your knowledge of Greek mythology

Created in antiquity by the Greeks, Greek Mythology brings together some legends, stories and myths whose main objective is to explain the natural phenomena of life, from after-death explanation and fate, to the reason why nature age. With that in mind, we brought a hangman game about Greek Mythology so that you have fun learning more about this subject.

Read more: Movies to understand Greek Mythology

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Test your knowledge of Greek mythology with this hangman game

Check now how attentive and full of knowledge you are when it comes to Greek mythology with this test of strength:

1st challenge

Hangman game.

In the first challenge we have a god, son of two great gods who was born with a disability, he was lame.

His mother, seeing him born with this disability, rejected him from birth and according to the legend, she threw it from Mount Olympus so that no one could see it, as she was too ashamed. Do you already know who you are?

Here are some more letters of his name:

Hangman game.

Still don't know which god we're talking about?

Well, here's another tip that might help you figure out which god we're talking about:

Despite being seen as an ugly god, he was a great forger and jeweler, even being called Vulcan.

In addition, his figure was closely associated with work and he is considered the god of metallurgy in Greek mythology.

Challenge answer and feedback

Check out the answer to the challenge below.

Hangman game.

Hephaestus, the god of fire.

2nd Challenge

Hangman game.

Known for her great generative potential, this Greek goddess was the second primordial deity, according to Greek mythology, in which she emerged after Chaos representing the earth.

Hangman game.

If you still haven't been able to find out, remember a goddess who, with her husband, had several children, including twelve titans, cyclops and hecatonchires.

Among these sons, one of them took over his father's power, becoming the absolute king, as was foreseen from his conception.

Challenge answer and feedback 2

Hangman game.

Gaia, the second primordial deity.

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