Enem 2022 notes can now be consulted, informs MEC

O Ministry of Education (MEC) informed on social media that the result of the 2022 National High School Examination (Enem) is now available. The notes can be consulted on the internet through the Participant's Page. At first, the result was expected to be released next Monday (13/1), but it was brought forward.

“As of this Thursday (9), students will be able to plan better to enter higher education through Sisu (Sistema de Unified Selection), Prouni (University for All Program) and Fies (Student Financing Fund)”, says the MEC message on the networks social.

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Students participating in the test will be able to consult the grade by accessing the Inep page (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira), when logging in, inform the CPF and password registered in the system.

Produced in 1998, the Enem aims to evaluate student performance at the end of basic schooling. The test works as one of the main ways of entering higher education in the country, through Sisu.

In addition, the exam is used as a selection criterion for students who intend to apply for a scholarship at Prouni. Public and private educational institutions use the Enem score to select students. The results are used as the sole or complementary criterion for selection processes, in addition to serving as parameters for accessing Fies.

According to the MEC, around 500 universities already use the result of the exam as a selection criterion for entering higher education, either complementing or replacing the entrance exam. Portuguese higher education institutions that have an agreement with Inep also use the grades in their selection processes.

Students who are completing or who have already completed high school in previous years can participate in the exam.

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