Encceja 2023: everything you need to know to finish high school

The National Examination for Certification of Youth and Adult Skills (Encceja) is a great opportunity for people who wish to complete high school. However, it is important to understand how the Encceja to successfully enroll and take the test.

Getting to know Encceja

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Encceja is a test that can be used as a way to complete high school by people who are over 18 years old and who are or are not attending high school. People who want to complete Elementary School can also take the test, as long as they are over 15 years old.

In 2023, the tests will be applied on October 22nd and registration will be held on the Inep website between July 17th and 28th.

  • How to register

To register, people need to access the Inep website and have their RG and CPF in hand. People who are abroad need the CPF and passport number. People who are arrested need the pedagogical responsible to register.

  • How are the tests?

The Encceja test evaluates the knowledge of the participant's school period and is carried out in a single day with 4 hours in the morning and 5 hours in the afternoon. The test consists of objective questions and writing. The writing is evaluated from 0 to 10 points and only those who get more than 5 points are considered suitable.

  • The subjects of the exams

Themes present in the evaluations are: Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education, History, Geography and Writing for Elementary School.

As for High School, they are the disciplines of Natural Sciences and their Technologies, Mathematics and its Technologies, Languages ​​and Codes and its Technologies, Human Sciences and its Technologies and Essay.

  • How to get the certificate when approved?

The certificate can be obtained through the Department of Education of the city itself or through educational institutions associated with Inep. Prisoners, on the other hand, will be able to obtain the certificate through the pedagogical responsible.

Residents abroad can receive the document by sending it through Inep to the Ministry of Relations Abroad, which forwards the certificate to Brazilian embassies and consulates in the countries that receive the exam.

In summary, Encceja is an opportunity for many people who wish to complete high school, however, It is important to pay attention to registration dates and information about the exam in order to take the test with confidence. success.

Knowing the subjects of the tests in advance and studying is essential to earn the certificate and reach new opportunities in life.

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