PIX: It is already possible to send money even with zero balance

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Certainly, PIX was one of the inventions that most revolutionized the way Brazilians consume. After all, it's an easy, fast and secure way to send money. More than that, now it is also possible to do PIX without money on account through some banks. Continue reading and find out what they are.

How the “cashless” PIX works

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The mechanism is much easier than many people imagine, since it is just a matter of sending an amount through a credit card operation.

Therefore, it would be the same as making an online purchase, in which, in fact, you will end up owing the bank the amount of the pix that will appear on your card bill plus a usage fee.

This is a very useful way of speeding up payments that require cash on the spot and for situations where a conventional credit card does not fit. In addition, it is still possible to pay the PIX amount in several installments, depending on the bank to which the payment is made.

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All this with the practicality of the PIX that we are already familiar with, such as 24-hour shipping via the internet. However, this type of PIX differs from the traditional one, as it implies the addition of a value due to the service usage fee.

This fee will also vary according to the bank where the transfer is made. Fees are currently between 3.99% and 9.9% of the amount you want to send. In addition, the percentage may increase depending on the number of installments.

Which banks allow PIX via credit card?

Until then, there were few banks that made this tool possible, and, once again, digital banks took the lead in this scheme. This is because all four banks that currently offer this service in Brazil are in the digital segment.

In this case, these are the banks available:

  • Nubank: With the possibility of dividing the shipping money up to 12 installments on the credit card;
  • RecargaPay: To make the PIX with the credit card, the customer must have a virtual wallet. So, he can send with a rate of 4.49% for regular customers and 3.49% for RicargaPay Prime+ subscribers;
  • Type: The PIX can also be sent with the balance on the credit card, but the sending amount is quite high, reaching 9.9% per month;
  • Bank BV: Here there is no charge for shipping, but only the IOF value is added, which can vary between 0.38% + 0.011% per day. In addition, transfers will take place using the credit card limit with a limit of R$ 1,000 per day.

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