Consuming coffee is a risk for hypertensive people

Widely consumed all over the world, the coffee it is one of the most famous and beloved drinks on the planet. Although it brings several benefits such as reducing illnesses chronic diseases and encouragement to perform physical activities, it is a tormentor for people with high blood pressure. However, few disclosures are made and, therefore, many do not have access to this information. So, check out the risks of coffee for hypertensive people.

The relationship between coffee and hypertension

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Consuming coffee daily is a habit of billions of people, however, if consumption is not moderate, complications can appear, especially for hypertensive people. The relationship was established by recent studies that point to a high rate of deaths from cardiovascular diseases due to excessive consumption of the drink among individuals belonging to this group.

Although coffee is beneficial for people who do not have health problems, it even works as a preventer of heart disease, it has been found that this is related to the blood pressure level of those who use it. consumes. Therefore, patients with severe hypertension (grade 2 and 3) are not subject to the benefits of coffee.

In order to study the relationship between coffee and blood pressure, retired professor from Osaka University (Japan), Hiroyasu Iso, conducted a study that brought significant results. Through data collected from a group of 18,609 people between 40 and 79 years of age, 12,035 women and 6,574 men, the following was observed:

  • cardiovascular deaths

While the group was observed for almost 2 decades, 842 deaths from heart disease were recorded.

  • Caffeine vulnerability

Due to the sensitivity to caffeine, hypertensive patients begin to suffer more from its harm than from its benefits. That is, the high consumption of coffee can lead them to death.

  • the saving alternative

As coffee presents a risk for hypertensive patients, a healthy alternative to consume in its place is green tea. The study even analyzed that tea has attributes responsible for reducing blood pressure. Furthermore, the amount of caffeine present in it is much smaller than in coffee.

  • What is the right dose?

According to the study and cardiologist Carlos Rassi, consuming small amounts of coffee in moderation is enough not to disrupt the cardiovascular system. That is, for mild and moderate hypertensive patients, one cup a day is already a good size.

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