What is toothpaste made of?

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Have you ever had the question: What is the composition of toothpaste? It is important to know which substances are responsible for protecting your teeth and to rid you of the famous “jaguar breath” when you wake up.

The composition of toothpastes may vary from one brand to another, but they need to contain the ingredients below to ensure a healthy mouth and fresh breath:
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3): one of the abrasive substances, they act during brushing, increasing friction with the teeth. This action promotes a kind of exfoliation of the outermost layer of the teeth, removing all the bacterial plaque.
Sodium Fluoride (In F): this is the protector of the dental enamel, the fluorine combines with the calcium phosphate present in the teeth and gives rise to fluoropatite. This substance guarantees greater protection against tooth decay, as it inhibits the action of bacteria.
Sorbitol - Ç6H8 (OH)6: this substance is responsible for the sweet taste of our toothpaste.
These are the main components that act on your teeth when brushing. Now you know how to protect your mouth with the help of chemicals!

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By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry
Brazil School Team

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Mouth pH and tooth decay

Chemistry Curiosities - Chemistry - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/quimica/do-que-composta-pasta-dental.htm


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