Expensive light bill? Check out 4 INFALLIBLE tips to save energy

Refrigerator, microwave, TV and a multitude of appliances are plugged in at this very moment, in addition to the light bulbs. With that, the account at the end of the month can scare and worry many people. So, today we bring you some valuable tips on how to reduce the energy consumption which is growing every year.

Tips on how to reduce energy costs and save money

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Knowing how to save is being increasingly sought by Brazilians, the bills keep coming and it is necessary to minimize expenses more and more. As a result, some appliances require more energy than others and it is precisely these that we should pay attention to:

Be careful with the freezer

Many families still use the freezer in their kitchens, we are not talking about those attached to refrigerators, but those that are separate. Although they make more room for foods that need to be frozen, freezers are energy intensive.

For them, our tip is to close the door as quickly as possible so that the internal temperature does not need a lot of energy to recover.

Invest in natural lighting

A lightbulb turned on unnecessarily can hurt your pocket at the end of the month, so it is important to explore the use of natural lighting. Therefore, large windows and glassware are the new best friends of those who want to save money.

Your TV isn't on, but it actually is.

Remove all equipment that is not being used from the socket, the TV connected to the socket consumes 20% of the energy it would use if it were switched on. Maybe you haven't noticed, but televisions connected to the socket usually have a small red or blue light on and unfortunately this is "burning" your money.

Plan to buy new appliances

Refrigerators, freezers, microwaves and many other old appliances consume much more energy when compared to newer ones. Therefore, investing in updated equipment will definitely save you money in the future.

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