A healthy diet includes eating proteins and other foods such as carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. However, a diet rich in protein alone may not be as beneficial to health. With that in mind, we brought you this article about what happens when you eat too much protein.
Read more: In addition to meat: Check out 5 foods that are rich in protein.
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Effects of consuming too much protein
Protein is essential for people who practice bodybuilding and other sports, because it helps build and repair muscle fibers. However, when consumed in excess, it may not be as beneficial to health. Ideally, you should consume 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram daily, depending on your weight.
Found in red meat, poultry, fish and legumes, see what happens to your body when you eat too much protein, especially when this consumption is not accompanied by activity physical.
you feel bloated
High-protein diets may not include other nutrients, such as fiber, which causes constipation. The result of this is abdominal discomfort and bloating.
you don't feel hungry
This is a positive effect of higher protein intake. Increased satiety can contribute to weight loss, especially since hunger is one of the factors responsible for poor food choices, such as fats and fried foods.
Localized fat gain
Excess protein can cause abdominal fat gain. This happens because it doesn't always translate into muscles. On the contrary, it can represent an increase in fat, especially in the belly. The ideal is to consume proteins and do physical activities.
Bad breath
Consuming small amounts of carbohydrates or completely eliminating this item from your diet can cause bad breath. That's because the body starts to force the production of energy through other parts of the organism, in the process known as ketosis.
Brain becomes less agile
Consuming too little carbohydrate can negatively affect brain function. In this way, the brain lacks sufficient stimulation and reduces concentration, increasing the chances of mental confusion.
Heavy metals can contaminate your bloodstream
Consuming too much protein powder can be harmful to your health, because many of them contain heavy metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic, which are linked to brain and other organ damage.
You may get sick often.
Excessive protein consumption can affect your intake of other nutrients, such as fruits and grains, which are responsible for provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds to the body, responsible for strengthening the system immune. Thus, illnesses may be more frequent.