Bladder health can be impacted by practicing these 5 habits

The urinary tract plays an important role in the body and contributes to storing urine. However, over the years, the adoption of habits harmful to him can favor the onset of bladder problems. Read more below and learn more about these habits and what should be avoided in your daily life!

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If during youth this is a subject that few people are concerned with, over the years it is important to pay attention to the health of the body to avoid the emergence of urinary infections, bladder cancer or cystitis.

Thus, it is essential to know what habits can harm the health of the bladder to stop doing it today. See what they are below.

Do high-impact physical exercises

Recommended to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic region, high-impact physical activities can aggravate bladder problems in people who already suffer from the condition, increasing discomfort.

Thus, because it exerts great pressure on the bladder, exercises such as running and aerobic activities may not be indicated. Instead, prefer hiking or swimming.

drink and smoke

Smoking and drinking habits can contribute to the emergence of bladder cancer, urinary incontinence or irritation in the region.

Cigarettes, in turn, are even more harmful to the health of the bladder, because they contain more than 60 potentially carcinogenic substances. In this case, the ideal is to avoid and/or reduce the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.

eat spicy food

For those who like spicy or acidic foods, chocolates and delicacies, this information may not be very pleasant: consume these foods can trigger irritations in the bladder, in addition to increasing the feeling of discomfort when the region is already irritated.

dehydrate yourself

Drinking more than 2 liters of water a day helps to prevent dehydration and is beneficial for bladder health.

Ideally, your urine color should be light yellow, which indicates a well-hydrated body. Urine with a dark yellow color indicates that the person should drink more water.

Going to the bathroom infrequently – or too often

You should also watch how often you go to the bathroom. After all, urinating little can trigger bladder problems, such as weakening the pelvic floor or urinary incontinence.

On the other hand, emptying the bladder unnecessarily, that is, going to the bathroom a lot, can aggravate urinary losses. The ideal frequency for an adult is approximately seven times a day to urinate.

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