There are 4 types of people who need to avoid consuming bananas

Banana is a fruit rich in potassium, which is an important mineral for all human cells. With that, she regulates heartbeats and allows our muscles and nerves to function properly, that includes the heart. However, some people need to review their consumption, so we've brought up some factors that prevent exaggeration when eating bananas.

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The banana as a villain

For a long time bananas were treated like superheroines, as they can do a lot of good, and they really do, as is the case in relieving cramps. In addition, they favor the increase of serotonin, known as the happiness hormone, fighting depression and improving mood. On the other hand, excess can be a problem and that's what we'll see next:

1. people with allergy

Although not commonly seen, there are people with banana allergies! In addition, people who already have a latex allergy can also develop this allergic process against the fruit. In most cases, the signs already appear soon after ingestion, and may be restricted to swelling or even vomiting and diarrhea.

2. diabetic people

Despite being a fruit, the sugar contained in it may not be good for diabetic or pre-diabetic people. In bananas, the sugar found is fructose and when metabolized it can be found in large amounts in the blood, and the more ripe it is, the greater its concentration. In addition, it is important to be careful with vitamins, as fructose in the form of juice is absorbed more quickly, causing glycemic spikes.

3. people with constipation

It is common knowledge that bananas are rich in fiber, and this can help with the formation of stool. On the other hand, the fruit is also rich in tannic acid, which in excess can cause constipation, just the opposite effect.

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