Graphology is the science that relates the way of writing to the human personality, among other things. The letter “i”, for example, can indicate a person self-centered.
Identifying a self-centered person can be challenging, but sometimes subtle clues can be found. This can be seen in her way of writing, especially in the way she uses the letter “i”.
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What does the letter “i” indicate about a person?
To summarize, we list the main details of this relationship:
- Without the dot above it shows that you are an absent-minded person;
- Write with a fine line: you are sensitive and can be overwhelmed easily;
- The simple and straight "i": this is the sign of an independent person;
- Overuse of the letter “i”: A self-centered person tends to use the letter “i” more often than necessary.
As far as egocentric people are concerned, it is interesting to note that they can refer to themselves repeatedly, putting themselves in the center of attention and minimizing the space for others.
More details on the use of the letter “i” and the way self-centered people write:
- First-person writing: The predominant use of the first person, such as “I”, “me” and “my”, can be a sign of self-centeredness. The person can to concentrate mostly on their own experiences and achievements, neglecting others;
- Lack of consideration for others: A sign of a self-centered person is the lack of references to others in their writing. The person may be primarily concerned with highlighting their own accomplishments, without showing empathy or consideration for the feelings and experiences of others;
- Personal exaltation: A self-centered person may use the letter “i” to emphasize their own worth and importance. She may overemphasize her skills, achievements, and positive traits without giving space to others or acknowledging others' contributions.
- Absence of humility: The way the self-centered person uses the letter “i” can also reveal their lack of humility. Finally, she may present herself as the center of the universe without acknowledging limitations or valuing the perspectives and opinions of others.
And then, reading this information, could you remember any self-centered people?