Lack of medicines has affected health units in São Paulo

It was reported in the state of São Paulo by most pharmacists who are suffering from a lack of medication in the establishments where they work. The survey was carried out by the Regional Council of Pharmacy of the State of São Paulo and revealed that 98.5% of professionals point to a lack of medicines in the private and public networks of pharmacies and health establishments in the state.

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Between May 19th and 30th, a total of 1,152 pharmacists across the state were consulted, and among professionals, 82.8% work in private establishments and 14.4% in public establishments or in partnership with the government system. government. In philanthropic entities, 2.8% were recorded.

The drugs that have been registered as missing the most were antimicrobials, with reports of shortages by more than 90% of pharmacists. On the other hand, mucolytics, drugs that relieve symptoms of respiratory infections, rank second with 76.5% of professionals stating their scarcity. Antihistamines, used for allergies, have taken third place with 68.6% and analgesics with 60.6% in fourth.

The main reason for the lack of medicines according to information provided by professionals, 933 of the interviewees stated that medicines are missing in the market, while 561 of them said which was due to the unexpected increase in demand, finally 459 participants reported that there is a failure on the part of suppliers and 222 said that prices are much higher than normal.

According to information from the Regional Council of Pharmacy, most of the medicines that are out of stock are part of their liquid formulations, which generally affects pediatric patients, who are more likely to ingest the drugs that way.

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