80% of Android apps do not follow Play Store privacy rule

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Mozilla recently conducted research and found that many androids violate basic privacy rules. In all, there are 40 applications, responsible for 80% of downloads made by users, as analyzed in this case. Most concern the lack of information for Google's own platform and for users.

These apps seem to be taking advantage of gaps in technology, which is one reason why these actions occur. The survey also found that the platforms' informed privacy policies are presented in different ways, they do not follow a pattern.

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That is, the “data security form”, as indicated by Mozilla, is a document that needs to be filled out by platform developers, allowing all of them to omit information or add news false.

Play Store: irregularities and insecurity

Google, in turn, is not responsible for verifying whether the actions are real or misleading, as it functions as a “service provider”. This point of exemption makes the completed reports incomplete and questionable by those who understand the subject. In fact, it also happens that security forms are not filled out by creators.

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The analysis included 40% of common apps that were considered unsafe, as the data points out. Social networks Twitter, Facebook, Messenger and Snapchat are on the list. Of the virtual games, GTA: San Andreas and Minecraft are on the list. Free Fore, YouTube (also owned by Google itself), TikTok, WhatsApp and Instagram were questionable regarding the security presented in the Play Store

Of the 40 applications analyzed, 15% were within the standards indicated for virtual security. The game Candy Crush Saga and Subway Sufers are on the list of those following the reported ideal privacy.

Mozilla's research indicates that these absences can be downright unsafe for users, as they promise something that they don't deliver as they should. There have been criticisms of Google for not closely monitoring what is offered on the platform itself.

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