Do children really grow while they are sleeping at night?

During childhood, an intense growth process takes place, and it is during this period that sleep plays a crucial role.

According to Bárbara Barros de Figueiredo, a pediatrician at the HC-UFPE (Hospital das Clínicas of the Federal University of Pernambuco), linked to the Ebserh (Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares), in just one year, the weight of children can triple and their size increases by about 50%.

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Going in this direction, it is worth noting that the relationship between sleep and growth is significant, as it is During sleep, growth hormone (GH) is produced, which is essential for development. physicist.

There is the release of several hormones that play a fundamental role in somatic growth, that is, in the physical and bodily development of children.

GH is responsible for stimulating bone growth, increased muscle mass and tissue regeneration. This hormone is also known as somatotropin and is produced by the pituitary gland, a small gland located at the base of the brain.

Following this process, hormone is released by the central nervous system in pulses throughout the day, but its release peak happens when the child is sleeping. During sleep, especially in the deeper stages, there is a significant increase in GH production.

Even while children sleep, another fundamental process takes place: their daily experiences are formulated, the feelings are processed and a host of other hormones are released, allowing for growth and maturation suitable.

It is also in this moment of rest that the brain consolidates memories and learning, in addition to promoting emotional regulation.

How to make the child have the ideal development?

Regularity in sleep schedules is indeed important for children, according to Liubiana Arantes de Araújo, president of the Department of Development and Behavior of the SBP (Brazilian Society of Pediatrics).

She points out that children should have a proper sleep routine, including a regular bedtime and a good night's sleep.

The specialist explains that it is during the period from 9 pm to 4 am that the highest production of GH occurs. Therefore, if the child sleeps very late and has irregular sleep, this can negatively affect hormone production and certainly affects growth.

Therefore, it is recommended to establish a consistent sleep routine, with regular sleep and wake times, to ensure that GH hormone production is optimized.

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