MEI contribution will be more expensive? Check new value:

As most individual microentrepreneurs already know, the monthly contribution is calculated based on the wage Minimum. It is the equivalent of 5% of that value. In this way, with the maintenance of the remuneration floor maintained at R$ 1,302 at least until the month of May, as announced in this Wednesday, the 18th, by the Minister of Labor and Employment, Luiz Marinho, the transfer of MEIs to Social Security was recalculated.

MEI contribution value

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This is because, if the salary that was stipulated in the Budget – R$ 1,320 – were to take effect from now on, the value of the contribution would be R$ 66; however, as informed by Marinho, it will remain in BRL 65.10.

The old one was BRL 60.60, so the increase of 7.43% accompanies the readjustment in the basic remuneration which, as determined in a provisional measure edited in the last month of 2022 by the government, went from R$ 1,212 to R$ 1.302.

It is important to point out that the values ​​of MEI truck drivers are higher, since they contribute more to Social Security. The transfer will increase from R$ 145.44 to R$ 156.24, at least while the salary remains at the current value. If the value of the floor had increased to R$ 1,320, the truck drivers' contribution would be R$ 158.40.

Another relevant point is that these readjustments will only be applied to payments due on 20 February onwards, since the January quota, due on the 20th, will remain at the same value as old.

In addition to this contribution from self-employed professionals with a simplified tax and social security system, known as individual microentrepreneurs, some areas of activity need to contribute with other points also.

If the entrepreneur carries out commercial and industrial activity, it is necessary to pay an extra real, which refers to the Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS), regulated by the state in which reside. Those who perform services offer R$ 5 more, as they are related to the Tax on Services (ISS) which, in turn, is regulated by the municipality.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said in a meeting with the union centrals that he intends to use the policy of readjustment seen between 2011 and 2019. This readjustment is based on the increase in the minimum wage due to the inflation of the previous year and the sum of the Gross Domestic Product. Despite this, Lula did not clarify whether the variation in GDP for the previous two years or just for the past year will be considered.

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