In the quest for a healthier life, it is very common to invest in different strategies, foods and diets to keep our body up to date. Through this, it is possible to reduce a little the worries of adulthood and old age. Among them, the cholesterol is a factor that can bring more headaches. Fortunately, there are some foods that can be extremely effective in controlling it, such as walnuts.
Find out now what are the best nuts to lower cholesterol.
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the nuts
Nuts are a very popular type of dried fruit and, in addition to being quite tasty, they stand out for having a very hard shell. In addition, they have several benefits, so they have been research sources for scientists for a long time.
According to experts, they are great for lowering low-density lipoproteins (LDL), better known as bad cholesterol. However, not all have the same effect, as some are more effective in increasing high-density lipoproteins (HDL).
Best nuts for cholesterol
- Almonds
Almonds have been used as supplementary foods for decades and no wonder. According to some studies, they can significantly lower LDL cholesterol, while maintaining and even increasing HDL cholesterol. In addition, they help to reduce the risk of developing dyslipidemia, a condition that determines the development of cardiovascular diseases.
- Brazil nuts
Adding a 20-50g serving of Brazil nuts is excellent for lowering LDL cholesterol levels and raising HDL levels after 9 hours. However, research regarding its benefits still needs more time, as many of them have been inconclusive.
- hazelnuts
Researchers who have studied the use of hazelnuts and the impacts on our cholesterol have found that they can greatly reduce total fat and LDL levels, with no effect on HDL. As such, they are highly recommended in most diets, especially as they contain good amounts of fiber, which can help regulate the bowel.
This article does not provide solutions for medical or psychological problems. Consult a specialist before starting any treatment.