3 signs that show when a child has anxiety

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Statistics show that cases of anxiety increase over the years and this condition does not only happen in adulthood, but also during childhood. Therefore, parents and caregivers should be increasingly aware of the symptoms of anxiety in children to be able to carry out the treatment capable of generating a better quality of life. Follow the reading and know how to identify some signs.

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Is there anxiety in children? What are the symptoms?

Several studies in the field of psychology demonstrate that children can suffer from the effects of anxiety in a similar way to adults. However, the signs can appear with a certain difference, so you need to be much more careful. Here are some of the main symptoms:

  • Need for constant reassurance

It is normal for children to ask a lot of questions, especially when they are in the student learning phase. However, reassurance questions relate to the child's expectations. Like, "Are we really going to the park?" or “Can I really do this?”. These questions usually demonstrate how insecure the child is about the uncertainties of the future and demonstrates anxiety.

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  • Not knowing how to deal with change

Everyone struggles with life changes, but people with anxiety suffer even more. This also happens with anxious children, who may not know how to deal with the possibility of moving house or school and tend to be more melancholy with these transitions.

  • undiagnosed diseases

Psychology increasingly demonstrates that anxiety generates many psychosomatic problems, which are pains that reveal themselves in the body due to problems of the mind. This symptom also appears in children who develop anxiety and sometimes with much more intensity. So, be aware of problems such as sudden and unexplained nausea, stomach aches, spots on the body and even fever. When there is no apparent reason and these illnesses are frequent, then it is likely to be anxiety.

Finally, remember that when noticing any of these symptoms, medical intervention is required. For example, therapies involving conversations are very efficient in reversing anxiety even in children. Therefore, seek a specialized psychotherapist and invest in your child's quality of life.


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