Signs that you are drinking too much water

everyone knows that drink water, in addition to bringing many health benefits, it is essential for the survival of our body. But is drinking too much water bad for you? There are some signs that you are drinking too much water and here they are.

Are you drinking too much water?

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We've heard everywhere since childhood that keeping your body hydrated and constantly drinking water is essential to stay healthy. Water has numerous benefits and directly helps in the proper functioning of the organism.

However, everything in excess can be harmful, is water too? Hyperhydration has symptoms that are unlikely to put you at risk in life other than many trips to the bathroom. Meanwhile, if the amount of water ingested is really far beyond healthy, your body can enter a hyponatremia condition.

What are the consequences of drinking too much water?

According to Kristin Koskinen, RDN, a dietitian in Richland, Wash., "Drinking too much water can result in a condition called hyponatremia, which is a dangerous drop in blood sodium levels."

That is, drinking water at extreme levels can cause your body to lose a lot of sodium, an essential electrolyte to regulate the distribution of water that will remain in the body. body and the amount that goes into the bladder.

"While it's relatively uncommon to achieve water intoxication, it can happen if you drink more than your body can excrete," says Koskinen.

hyponatremia condition

Hyponatremia is relatively rare, however, when it appears, it is usually with people who have health problems or ultra-endurance athletes.

Hyponatremia becomes life-threatening when the person begins to experience excessive sweating and fluid loss when the person does not consume water in conjunction with electrolyte replacement drinks.

Therefore, although, in most cases, drinking water is sufficient and the best option, consuming sports that have electrolytes like sodium and potassium for ultra-endurance athletes is indispensable.

Signs that you drink too much water

It is very simple to identify if you drink too much water, because your body responds to this excessive consumption with some signs like these:

  • Your pee is very clear;
  • You go to the bathroom often;
  • You feel bloated or nauseous;
  • You have a headache and mental confusion.

How many liters of water is recommended to drink daily?

The need for hydration is variable according to the conditions of the body, the environment, the food, the level of physical activity and other beverages that you ingest. However, in general, the recommended average is 3.7 liters a day for men and 2.7 liters a day for women.

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