Fiber foods will help you lose weight with health

Fibers are present in vegetables that are part of the carbohydrate group and, despite not being digested in the body, foods that help in the slimming and that are rich in fiber can provide a feeling of satiety that lasts for a long time. In addition, they are also great for maintaining the proper functioning of the body.

Benefits of consuming foods with fiber

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The consumption of fibers is very important for the proper functioning of our body, after all, besides helping in the balance of this functioning, absorbing excesses and eliminating toxins, preventing intestinal diseases, cardiovascular; for those looking to lose weight, they are also very useful.

Benefits of fiber for the body

Nutritionist Fernanda Sobral says that fiber is very important to strengthen the immune system, she still adds that: “they stimulate the growth of beneficial cells of the intestinal flora, preventing the growth of microorganisms harmful”. In addition, fibers help in other aspects of the body, for example:

  • Helps with intestinal maintenance;
  • Contributes to stool consistency and consequently prevents diarrhea.
  • Controls diabetes;
  • Eliminates toxic metals from the body;
  • Helps with slimming;
  • Decreases the cholesterol;
  • Prevents colon cancer.

What are fiber-rich foods?

They are present in several vegetables, and what is recommended by nutritionists is that the consumption of food is, when possible, raw, well-cleaned and in the shell, so that the fibers are well used. Here are some of those foods:

  • Bean; pea; chickpea; lentil and soy.
  • Grains such as rice, flaxseed, oats and corn.
  • Breads and breakfast cereals;
  • Vegetables: watercress, lettuce, squash, zucchini, beets, broccoli, kale, chard, sweet potatoes, arugula, spinach, cabbage, parsley, chives, onions, cauliflower, cucumber, peppers, okra, tomatoes.
  • Fruits: avocado, pineapple, fresh plum, dried plum, blackberry, banana, cashew, fresh cherry, coconut, guava, kiwi, apple, mango, passion fruit, papaya, watermelon, melon, tangerine, strawberry and grape.

Nutritionist Roberta Stella explains the benefits of these foods for weight loss: “The fibers provide greater satiety and cause gastric emptying to be done in a greater time. Thus, the feeling of hunger takes time to appear and, consequently, can lead to a lower food intake”.

Everyone should consume fiber

Fernanda Sobral also states that, although the amount of fiber ingested by a child should be less than that of an adult, it is important to introduce them into the diet from an early age.

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