Orange juice? No way! Understand why we should avoid fruit juice

Close your eyes and imagine a healthy breakfast. As healthy as you can believe you are. Sure enough, you've put a jar of orange juice in your fantasy, isn't it? So know that drinking is not as healthy as you think.

The habit of consuming this drink is passed down from generation to generation, and most people do not consider the possibility of abandoning it. After all, it's a practical option to start the day with both feet in the door. So why is orange juice bad for you? That's what we're going to find out in this text!

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But isn't orange a super healthy fruit?

Yes! Orange is a fruit rich in simple carbohydrates and, mainly, vitamin C. In addition, its pomace has a considerable amount of fiber, potassium, folates and calcium.

These nutrients give us increased immune function, improved digestion, and reduced inflammation and oxidative stress in the cardiovascular system. However, it is important to highlight that these properties are effective when the fruit is consumed whole, and not as juice.

So what are the dangers of consuming orange juice?

By drinking orange juice, you consume two or three units of the fruit, with a higher concentration of its sugars, but without the fibers and other substances in the pomace. This increase can affect blood sugar levels, which is especially dangerous for people with diabetes.

Also, people with frequent heartburn should assess tolerance. After all, the juice contains large amounts of citric acid, it increases the acidity of the stomach and can cause symptoms of discomfort. A lack of fiber also reduces feelings of fullness and can cause blood sugar to spike and crash, adding to weight in the long run.

According to the American physician Robert Lustig, author of “Fat Chance: The Bitter Truth About Sugar”, drinking fruit juice is worse than drinking soda. By discarding the fruit fiber, the absorption of fructoseis increased and the presence of nutrients, mainly vitamin C, is decreased.

But calm down! There is a way to continue your habit

If you are already very used to drinking your orange juice every day, there is a solution. The recommendation is not to consume the drink in excess and, whenever possible, consume the whole fruit, especially after meals.

Orange is a fruit with many health benefits. However, it is important to remember that these properties are effective when the fruit is consumed whole – and with pomace! – and not juice.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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