Unesp offers 73 free online courses

São Paulo State University (Unesp), considered one of the largest universities in Brazil, offers 73 online courses for interested parties from anywhere in the world to study for free from wherever are.

These are courses carried out through Unesp Aberta Distance Learning - EaD, through the Distance Learning Nucleus (NEaD), and that can contribute a lot in training or professional updating for the most diverse careers existing in the Marketplace.

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It deals with contents from the areas of Humanities, Exact Sciences and Biology. Interested parties can take as many courses as they wish. The contents are authored by professors of the University.


To have access to classes, it is not necessary to pay a monthly fee, however, the institution offers possibility of obtaining a certificate in some courses for a single fee of R$ 100 regardless of the workload.

To access the contents, just make a simple registration through the

unesp website. To register, enter your name and email. After receiving a confirmation message, the person interested can participate in the available courses.

Students have the option of sending an e-mail to the professor who proposed the discipline to clarify any doubts. While the student is online, he can see which other people are accessing the platform at that moment and it is possible to exchange messages with them. The student can also do multiple-choice exercises on the content covered and receive the result instantly.

One of the strengths of Unesp Aberta is the incorporation of accessibility resources such as Libras and audio description in classes.

See too:

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