index is a organized listing of themes, subjects, words and topics and that is usually present in books and other documents.
Generally, the indexes present detailed information about the contents presented throughout the text, being organized in alphabetical or chronological order (according to the order in which they appear in the book), also indicating their respective pages.
An index can still be the same as an indicator, symptom or sign, a reference factor that serves as a comparator to explain a certain situation or condition.
Example:"The employment index in Brazil grew, indicating an improvement in the country's internal economy".
Some of the main index synonyms they are: list, table, rol, relation, pattern and index.
Body mass index
Also known as BMI (Body Mass Index), it is a measure recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) to determine the value of relationship between a person's mass in proportion to their height.
The BMI calculation is used to define whether the individual is overweight, underweight or with adequate body mass for their height.
The formula for calculating the Body Mass Index is: BMI = mass / (height x height).
know more about BMI.
Index and Contents
According to the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT, the index and table of contents are distinct.
The index is an ordered list that presents themes, terms and other important subjects covered in a given text or document, indicating the respective pages of each item.
By default, the index must be at the end of the text, being considered a post-textual and optional element, where alternative information appears, usually explanatory, to those presented throughout the document, for example.
Summaries, which are commonly confused with indexes, tend to be at the beginning of the books, indicating the chapters and all other textual divisions, as they appear in the text, and the page number where the respective contents are.
Unlike the index, according to ABNT norms, the summary is a mandatory element, mainly in academic and scientific works.
Learn more about ABNT.