3 hygiene mistakes in the kitchen that could be harming your health

Maintaining good hygiene when cooking is the secret to maintaining good health and being able to absorb all the nutrients in food. However, it is possible to develop serious problems, such as infections, for example, due to poor hygiene in the kitchen.

Including many of the harmful behaviors regarding food cleanliness is extremely common in many homes. Therefore, we have separated some of the most dangerous practices that many people do in the kitchen on a daily basis and that you should avoid in order not to have complications. Check out!

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  • Defrost meat at room temperature

Proteins require very low temperatures for conservation, as this prevents the proliferation of bacteria. For this, it is necessary to use the freezer, and defrost only when it is time to prepare the meal. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that defrosting cannot be done at room temperature, not even in a basin with a lot of water.

In fact, the best option is to transfer the meat from the freezer to the refrigerator, and leave it there until it thaws. Thus, you avoid the proliferation of bacteria harmful to our body.

  • Not organizing your fridge well

Traditional refrigerator models do not follow this pattern just for convenience, as, in fact, each part serves a type of food. By not using the correct places, you run the risk of not doing the proper conservation and impairing the quality of the products.

Therefore, the correct thing is to use the highest shelf for eggs, milk and derivatives, just below the leftover food and then the thawing food. Finally, don't forget to keep the vegetables in the dedicated drawer and the drinks in the door.

  • Wait for the food to cool down before reserving it in the fridge

It is commonly said that putting food in the fridge while still warm can spoil the product, but this is not only a myth, it is also a hygiene error. In fact, food should not be allowed to cool at room temperature, as this helps bacteria to reproduce.

Therefore, transfer to the refrigerator so that there is a quick drop in temperature, if you are going to reserve a dish.

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