Important to know: 6 signs of anxiety in children

A anxiety It can manifest itself both physically and emotionally. According to experts, this problem affects and/or manifests itself in children in a different way. That's why, in today's article, we're going to show you how to identify the signs of anxiety that can manifest in children.

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Learn to identify the signs of anxiety in children

There is no specific cause for childhood anxiety, however, it can be caused by family history. of this disease, alteration in neurotransmitters, due to the individual having experienced stressful moments, shyness and among others. In addition, the increase in cases of this disorder in the country was greatly aggravated by the global pandemic of Covid-19. In this way, unfortunately, anxiety is growing in the country and Brazil leads the ranking of the most anxious countries in the world.

Anxiety can have consequences for children's mental health, so it's essential that you learn to identify the signs of anxiety and see if your child has one of them, in order to treat it as quickly as possible possible. There are some practices or habits that can help control anxiety in children, they are: physical exercise, healthy eating and valuing their feelings.

Signs of childhood anxiety

Check out the main signs of anxiety in children now:

  1. Changes in emotion regulation – being more irritable and tearful than usual;
  2. Having frequent nightmares and waking up more often than usual during the night
  3. Interruptions in everyday life – lack of concentration, sleep and/or appetite
  4. Regressions – uncontrolled urination, nail biting, finger sucking and/or needy behavior;
  5. Physical symptoms – headaches, stomachaches and/or fatigue;
  6. Difficulty in social interactions.

If you notice any of these signs in your child, the ideal thing is that you seek help from a professional, who will help you in this process.

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