Foods That Look Healthy But Aren't

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In the search for a healthy diet, reading the nutritional table of foods is always important, isn't it? However, in addition to this information, sometimes it is inevitable that the appearance and taste of these foods are also taken into account. However, despite looking nutritious, they may not be so healthy.

Check out some examples below:

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soup powder

Because it is a cheap and practical product to make, it is highly sought after on market shelves around the world. Besides, just by being called “soup”, it already seems to be very nutritious, especially when it is made up of some greens. However, each packet of this item can contain between 500mg and 800mg of sodium.

Basically, this is almost ¼ of what our body needs on a daily basis, which can bring many harm to our body, especially the kidneys. Thus, consuming powdered soup can increase the risk of hypertension and even a heart attack.

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Popcorn can even be considered nutritious, as it is an excellent source of fiber. However, in the case of microwave or cinema ones, it is better to be careful, since they have a lot of sodium in their composition. In addition, they may contain an excess of oil and saturated fats in their preparation, bringing even more harm to your body.

For this reason, experts recommend that they be made in a pan, preferably without oil. For this, there are several recipes on the internet that teach how to make popcorn with water or other ingredients.

tea ready

In general, canned and industrialized teas have some substances such as flavonoids and antioxidants, which can bring many benefits to our body. However, in the preparation process, they take a lot of sugar and some preservatives, which can cause some problems in the long run.

Turkey breast

Turkey breast has become synonymous with a healthy sandwich solution, especially among bodybuilders. However, when consumed too often, it can bring some complications, since it has a lot of salt.
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