Spicy Netflix movie considered better than 365 DNI

In cinema, TV and streaming, there are several works that deal with human sexuality. Some productions put greater weight on the carnal realm, while others are attached to feelings. Proof of this is the Bridgerton series and the 365 DNI film. That's not to mention 50 Shades of Grey, for example. However, another Netflix movie promises to bring fans of the style together.

Read more: La Casa de Papel actress stars in erotic drama film on Netflix

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erotic drama

The film 365 DNI brought back the erotic drama style popularized by 50 shades of grey. Polish production was the gateway to this genre for many users on Netflix.

Those who liked the film (and there are many) end up looking for other similar titles. Incidentally, the platform itself goes on to suggest more options within this niche. As the search has been high, the productions of the genre continue at full steam.

Incidentally, the popularity is so great, that Bridgerton was the most watched series on Netflix. The company itself revealed the data referring to the audience.

One of the alternatives within the style is the movie Amar. Launched in 2017, the cast features María Pedraza (“La Casa de Papel” and “Elite”).

Love – Netflix

It should be noted that the plot is not as spicy as that of 365 DNI. Which did not prevent the film from being considered better than its competitor.

The central character of Amar is called Laura, played by María Pedraza. It is worth mentioning that the film is one of the first works made by Pedraza.

In the film, the La Casa de Papel actress discovers life through her first love, Carlos. However, the harsh reality imposes itself on their lives, showing that existence is more complex.

You can imagine that Amar is quite different from 365 DNI, which revolves around a kidnapping. However, what connects fans of both are the more romantic/hot scenes.

Technical Data - Amar

Synopsis of the film released by the streaming platform Netflix:

“Laura and Carlos experience the intensity and fragility of first love and see the reality of life shake their idealized romantic notions.”

Cast: María Pedraza (La Casa de Papel) acts alongside Pol Monen and Natália Tena.

Direction: the feature is directed by Esteban Crespo.

Like the film 365 DNI, Amar can be seen directly on the Netflix platform by subscribers.

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