Minister of the STF votes for the end of special rights for prisoners with a diploma

Last Friday, the 18th, Alexandre de Moraes, minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), voted in favor of overturning the prediction of the right to a differentiated prison for those who have completed higher education, i.e. people who have a college degree, until the final judgment and decisive.

The minister also appears as a spokesman for a lawsuit filed in 2015 by the Attorney General's Office Republic (PGR), where some benefits that are present in the Criminal Procedure Code are questioned by him. Youprosecutorsargue what TheruleéunconstitutionalIt isviolathe principleshuman dignity and isonomy. Understand a little more about the decision below.

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Understand a little more about this vote in plenary

The action is judged in the virtual plenary by the ministers, where the votes of each one are computed by the Court's electronic system, and there is no room for debates. This differentiated prison is foreseen in the law, however, it does not contain any specification regarding the cells occupied by these prisoners. The only difference is that prisoners who don't have diplomas are in different cells than those who do.

From his vote, the minister supports that the norm is something unconstitutional and violates the principle of isonomy. O ministerhe said what,in your view, There is not reasonjustifiable for to chasean interest what transmitthe idea that detainees without a degree are not considered worthy of specialized treatment by the State.

"AstandardcontestednoprotectsonecategoryinpeoplefragileIt isdeserving of guardianship, on the contrary, she favorsthose oneswhatalreadythey arefavoredperyoursocioeconomic status,” he said.

Although the current Brazilian reality disallow the association between bachelor degree and political prestige, fact is that obtaining titleacademic it is still something inaccessible for most from thepopulation Brazilian“, adds Moraes.

"Aextensionfrom prison special to thesepeoplecharacterizes true privilege that,inlastanalysis,materializes social inequality and the bias selective ofright criminal, and hurtspreceptfundamentalfrom theConstitutionwhatassure the equality in between all in law and before the law,” he wrote.

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