São Paulo registers a growth of almost 35% in falls among the elderly in 12 months

Accidents and falls involving the elderly, individuals over 60 years old, increased by 35% in the city of São Paulo. Hospitalizations resulting from these accidents also grew by a similar percentage in the last two years. In 2021, 3,055 admissions were recorded, while in 2022, the number rose to 3,903.

This information comes from the Municipal Health Secretariat (SMS) and is based on the balance carried out in recent years, analyzed by the Coordination of Health Surveillance (Covisa) and by the Information System for Accident Surveillance (Siva). These bodies received records of 12,075 falls of elderly people, with 9,671 records in 2021 alone.

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In São Paulo, approximately 15% of the population is over 60 years old, totaling almost 2 million people. According to data from the State Data Analysis System Foundation (Seade), it is estimated that this portion of the population will represent 30% of the capital by 2050.

Falls of elderly people in São Paulo show an increase

The city aims to instruct people on the prevention of accidents caused by falls. In this sense, the Elderly Companion Program (PAI), the Basic Health Units (UBSs) and the Elderly Health Reference Units (Ursis) work together.

In the period between 2019 and 2022, approximately 160,000 people received guidance to avoid falls on the streets, with greater emphasis on the elderly population.

Despite the increase in the number of falls, preventive actions in São Paulo, under municipal management, also grew considerably.

The City Hall's efforts to serve the elderly increased by 174% compared to the year 2021, as indicated by the data of the Regional Health Coordinations (CRSs): in 2022, 103,997 consultations were recorded, while in 2021 the number was 37.959.

Causes of accidents

The entities responsible for the care of the elderly in São Paulo highlight the importance of adequate monitoring of the health of these individuals. Many falls are due to nutritional problems, decreased muscle mass and strength, and illnesses that affect the senses. In many cases, it is necessary to assess the patient's health history.

There are also external factors that contribute to falls, such as inadequate lighting on roads, potholes or lack of adequate signage in places. In these situations, it is recommended to seek care at a UPA (Emergency Care Unit) or call SAMU by calling 192.

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