Disney+ overtakes Netflix in subscriber numbers

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Reaching 221 million subscriptions in Q2 versus 220.7 million for Netflix, the Disney+ streaming platform has seen extremely strong growth. positive at the end of the second quarter of this year. Last Wednesday, the 10th, the company announced that it will launch a Disney+ plan with advertising.

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The forecast is for December of this year.

During the second quarter, which ended in June, Disney had a growth of 14.4 million subscriptions, above the 4 million that the market had already projected for the period. Meanwhile, Netflix ended the quarter with 220.7 million customers. Now the company projects slower growth in subscriber numbers for the next two years. The numbers are ranging between 215 million and 245 million total subscriptions. The estimate is that in September 2024 the company will reach 260 million people.

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New streaming plans

Some information points out that the drop comes from the Indian market, where the company is in a growing loss of rights to broadcast sports with greater national appreciation. Aiming to maintain the profit margin, related to the drop estimate, the company stated that it will increase the value of the ad-free subscription by approximately 38%, this change should take effect when the ad-supported mode is released.

In a statement, Disney presented pricing sketches for the new streaming plans. Disney+ with advertising will maintain the current price of the ad-free plan at $7.99 per month. The ad-free plan will incur an additional $3 per month, but will hit the $10.99 mark starting in early December.

Measures will be taken so that the giant stops losing money. The data indicate that in the second quarter the profit was low of 32%.

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