12 ways to make someone fall in love with you

If you're into someone and you're already in love, you'd like that person to fall in love too. Relationship experts want you to know how to make someone fall in love per you through psychology. See below how to do this.

How to make someone fall in love

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According to oxford english dictionary, O love it is an intense feeling of deep affection. For clinical psychologist Kristina Hallett, Ph. D, there are two types of love: passionate love, which is guided by love romantic and includes sexual attraction and desire; and attachment love, which is common in mother-child bonds but can also be developed in long-distance relationships.

The “true love” that people talk about so much is, nothing more and nothing less, than a combination of passionate love and attachment that ends up evolving over the years.

According to Bobbi Wegner, Psy. D, clinical psychologist, when you have the three components – attraction, lust and attachment –, the probability of developing a passion is much greater.

Clinical psychologist Bobbi Wegner quotes, “Attraction is what it sounds like: curiosity, interest, or liking for someone.” He adds: “Lust is a strong sexual desire for someone, and attachment is an emotional bond between two people.” As people grow closer emotionally, they seek that intimacy and feel more secure when they realize they've gained an opening for intimacy.

A study published in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships identified 12 things that can make someone fall in love.

12 things that can make someone fall in love:

  1. Mutual liking;
  2. Appearance;
  3. Personality;
  4. Similarity;
  5. Familiarity;
  6. Social influence;
  7. Fulfillment of needs;
  8. Excitement;
  9. Readiness;
  10. Specific tips;
  11. Isolation;
  12. Mystery.

What can't love be?

Hallett quotes that “the degree to which you focus too much on whether someone likes you is the degree to which you abandon yourself”. For her, it's important that you clarify for yourself how this person really makes you feel.

She adds, "Even if you're saying, 'Oh, he checks all the boxes and I'm super interested,' maybe you she realizes she feels cold inside when she's around him, like she has to grab him because he's not really there available".

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