Concealer trend: new trend is putting young people's health at risk

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A new challenge of the internet, known as the “concealer trend”, has been seen on social media. This trend proved to be dangerous because many students are joining the “movement”, which consists of smelling the powder from the product. So schools and parents have been on high alert. Keep reading!

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More about the “Concealer Trend”

In several videos that have been posted on social networks such as TikTok and Instagram, students from different grades appear sniffing liquid correction powder in the middle of the classroom. The challenge has brought serious problems to schools and colleagues, such as the suspension or expulsion of those who promote the action and even the police being called.

As harmless as it may seem, the “Trend” can cause great damage to the health of adolescents. According to experts, inhaling the product can cause irritation of the nose mucosa and nosebleeds, in addition to aggravating respiratory diseases and causing severe poisoning.

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The health hazards

Most of the liquid correctors have titanium oxide in their composition, responsible for the characteristic white hue, and ethanol, which has a solvent action, facilitating the rapid drying of the product. Both substances are harmful to health.

Doctors explain that, in ordinary conditions, the inhaled pollution particles do not present great risks, as the amount is small, so the nose can easily expel. However, the amount of inhaled concealer powder is much higher, so the nostrils may not be able to properly expel the large particles inhaled.

In the 1980s, this movement also had moments of fame among students and was linked to the increase in cases of heart problems due to the presence of a drying material in the product's formula. Thus, the companies responsible for manufacturing the concealer added a strong aroma to the composition to prevent the action from continuing.
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