THESE are the cities with the highest cost of living in Brazil

Brazil is a country with continental dimensions and Brazilian cities have different housing structures and services that can increase the cost of living.

Therefore, if you need to save money, knowing how to choose an economical city will make all the difference in your monthly expenses.

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For example, the square meter in the city of São Paulo is much more expensive than in a coastal city. Other expenses, such as transport, need to be included in the budget before deciding whether it is worth living in cities like Rio de Janeiro or Brasília.

To facilitate understanding of the cost of living in cities, an international survey was recently launched and defined which are the most expensive cities in Brazil and the world.

Read on to discover the most expensive cities in Brazil and get tips on which cities to avoid if you're on a tight budget!

The 5 most expensive Brazilian cities in the global ranking

According to the consulting firm Mercer, Brazil has a prominent place in the Latin America and appears on the 2023 global list of five cities that influence the country's economic and social scenarios. Read here:

São Paulo

The first city on the list is São Paulo, the most populous and expensive city in Brazil, appearing at position 152 in the ranking. Compared to last year's list, the city has moved up 16 places.

São Paulo is known for the most expensive housing prices in the country, which can weigh on the final budget.

Rio de Janeiro

The city of Rio de Janeiro has several advantages and entertainment for those who want to live in a region with beaches.

However, the city appears in the 171st position because of its economic presence in the Brazilian scenario and its tourist activities.


The capital of Brazil emerges in the third place in Brazil and in the 188th in the world, registering high rent and higher expenses in categories of goods and services.


The representative of the North region in the international list is Manaus. One of the possible explanations for the higher cost of living is the tax issue applied in the region that affects the values ​​of taxes on products and services.

Belo Horizonte

The last Brazilian city among the most expensive in the world is Belo Horizonte.

The high cost of living in the capital of Minas Gerais is the result of rent values ​​for residential properties above the average in Brazil.

What are the 2023 cost of living categories?

The data used in the list was obtained by the consulting firm Mercer. The North American survey analyzed more than 200 cities in the world and released the document entitled “Cost of Living 2023”.

The analysis was based on costs in New York, which made it possible to compare costs in the lives of workers around the world and their expenses.

The global list considered some cost categories, such as:

  • Home
  • Transport
  • Food
  • leisure and entertainment
  • Consumer goods
  • Clothing

In the overall ranking, Hong Kong is the most expensive city in the world, appearing in first place.

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