Diabetic dogs: What is the right food?

Diabetes is a very common disease among humans and can also affect pets, especially dogs. But there is no reason to be alarmed, because although diabetes has no cure, effective treatment already exists so that there is no worsening of the disease.

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However, one of the forms of treatment involves changing the animal's diet. This should be reformulated for a balanced diet with fiber-rich and low-glycemic options, as well as the correct use of ingredients rich in simple carbohydrates.

If you want to know more about the correct diet for dogs with diabetes, then keep reading!

Any dog ​​can acquire the disease, although it is more common in females and manifests itself in adulthood, between 7 and 9 years old. Furthermore, some breeds such as the pug, the beagle and the golden retriever have a greater predisposition to become Diabetics, then, should visit the veterinarian regularly and be up to date with routine exams.

To assist in the care and meet the needs of these pets that need greater attention in their diet, we offer here practical tips on how to formulate recipes. You can buy these ready-made recipes or you can make them at home, following important instructions.

Important Basic Instructions

It is ideal for the tutor to visit a veterinary doctor specializing in animal nutrition, to make sure that the natural food is a viable option in the treatment of diabetes, in addition to knowing the ideal portions for your dog.

Important criteria to consider: race, age, weight and daily activity level.

Gradually introducing food is of paramount importance in the adaptation process. This will make the animal not feel any discomfort in the exchange, as well as not reject the new food.

The following criteria can be used:

On days 1 and 2, add only 25% of the AN (Natural Feed) and 75% of the regular feed, on days 3 and 4, 50% of each food, on days 5 and 6, add only 25% of the feed and 75% of the AN, thus ending the 7th day with 100% of the feed being Natural.

It is worth remembering that the ingredients lose their grammage after cooking, so they must be weighed after finishing their preparation. This must also be taken into account when purchasing.

Before preparation:

  • Wash food well before preparing;
  • Cook them separately in a steamer.

Assembling the dishes:

  • It is ideal to use a kitchen scale to weigh food to ensure the correct weight;
  • To be more practical, freeze the portions after assembly.

Time to serve:

  • You can offer the dish right after preparation, always remembering to respect the proportion of each meal;
  • If you choose to freeze them, always leave the next day's meals thawing in the fridge.

Many authors choose to buy the portions already formulated and frozen, a great solution for those who do not have enough time available to produce the meals. So, you can look for a company specializing in natural food in your city and ask for conditions.

Important tips:

Don't heat the food too much, as your puppy can get burned. And if, for some reason, he leaves some leftover food on the plate, that rest must go in the trash.

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