In an unprecedented case, the planting of cannabis will be allowed in Sergipe

The decision was published last Wednesday, the 22nd, when federal judge Ronivon de Aragão, who works on the 2nd Federal Court of Sergipe, signed the order. This operation is unprecedented in Brazil, as it is the first time that the planting of cannabis, marketing and other marijuana derivatives are allowed in the country.

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The case involves the non-profit association “Salvar”, which initiated the petition for the planting of cannabis. Lawyer Paulo Henrique Thiessen, responsible for the case, submitted the request for the approval of the expanded permission for the use of medical marijuana.

Save is an institution that was founded in 2019, also known as the Brazilian Association for the Support of Cultivation and Research of Medicinal Cannabis. The organization has 200 associates and is directly involved in the production of cannabis in Brazil.

the use of cannabis medicine in Brazil

The lawyer who defended the case stated that the importation of cannabis-based products only benefited foreign companies, following the resolutions established by Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency), which resulted in medicines with high prices in the Brazil.

Until recently, only six associations were authorized by law to produce and market cannabis-based medicinal oils, which was considered unusual. According to Thiessen, there was no legal reason for these drugs to be released while other drugs were still restricted. Furthermore, other cannabis derivatives could only be ordered from abroad.

“What matters is manipulation and distribution. It matters little if dipyrone is administered intravenously, in capsule or gel. If necessary, administration will be intravenous. But the decision on the method is up to the doctor”, said the lawyer.

Save, which is one of the associations involved in the process, received a list of obligations that it must fulfill within 15 days to comply with the permission. The Ministry of Health and Anvisa will have 60 days to manifest themselves and will need to establish adequate supervision for the association.

According to Thiessen, Salva is already complying with all legal measures to comply with the law.

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