Sugar cane: Learn how to grow this plant at home

Sugarcane is a raw material widely used in industry, from food to fuel. Its plantations cover thousands of hectares all over the world. However, few people know that they can have this plant in their own home by following the proper steps for its cultivation. With this, any plant lover or even anyone who wants to drink a delicious homemade broth can plant sugar cane. Check out more details below!

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Learn how to plant sugar cane at home

First of all, you need to pay attention to factors such as soil, watering and others. Sugarcane, scientifically known as Saccharum officinarum, has several growth cycles, and its development is entirely dependent on them.

However, for those who want to grow it at home and have a faster harvest, the annual plant is the best option (12 months). As a result, planting should take place in October and November, and the sugarcane should be ready for harvest in eight months.

Tips for planting sugar cane

Have you ever noticed that sugar cane is divided into several parts by “lines”? They are called culms and it is on them that shoots grow. Before starting to plant the cane, it is necessary to properly cut the stalk so that the sprouts can emerge. Therefore, cut the cane in the middle of the stalks, not along the “line” that separates them, otherwise your plant will not sprout.

The best way to get good soil for growing sugarcane is to use nutrient-rich organic soil. Also, a perfect soil category is the red latosol, or more clayey soil, which can be found in garden houses. After finding the best option, make furrows 20 to 30 cm deep with a distance of 1 to 2 meters between them and a deposit of 2 to 3 culms.

After planting, the plant must be immediately watered to ensure a warm environment for the sprouts. It usually only takes a few days for a cane to develop, so this procedure needs to be done daily during periods of drought. On the other hand, this species requires a lot of light, that is, place it in a place with a lot of sunlight.

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