Vertical vegetable garden: grow your own spices!

Do you want to have fresh spices grown in your own home, but don't have a backyard to make a vegetable garden? Learn right now how to cultivate a vertical vegetable garden and take the opportunity to also give a touch of natural beauty to your home.

Basil, parsley, sage, thyme, chives; these are examples of seasonings that you can buy without leaving home. Just create a vegetable garden in your house. To do this, just have a free wall, in a well-ventilated place, and that receives sunlight for a few hours of the day.

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Choose the plants you want to sow

To make this choice, take into account the space available for your garden. If you don't have a large area, avoid plants that grow a lot.

Analyze how much sun exposure time the plants you want need daily. Give preference to those that need a period of sun consistent with what falls on the space you intend to plant them.

How to grow a vertical garden, Photo: Pexels.
How to grow a vertical garden, Photo: Pexels.

As a last item to help you choose the plants, look for the ideal type of vase for each plant. They can be ceramic, pet bottles, overalls, etc. However, some species should not be grown next to each other, so separate pots may be necessary.

Pay attention to how often you should water your herbs, as well as whether or not you need fertilizer.

watch out for the wall

How to grow a vertical garden, Photo: Pexels.
How to grow a vertical garden, Photo: Pexels.

The wall that will receive the vegetable garden can be covered with plastic or sheets of PVC material. This is particularly important for water protection and to provide support for the garden. However, if you opt for PVC pipes or some other vase models, it will not be necessary.

How to create a vertical garden

After defining the plants, the location and the vases, just carry out the planting and place it in a support on the wall. Remember to place very secure supports to prevent falls. There are kits for sale with supports made of different materials for this type of garden and also planters, but you can be creative and do it manually.

How to grow a vertical garden, Photo: Pexels.
How to grow a vertical garden, Photo: Pexels.

Some types of vertical garden:

  • With reused glass jars glued to a wooden panel: take the opportunity to paint the panel as you like!
  • Vegetable garden attached to wire: some wire panels can be used to hold the pots and give these vegetable gardens a special style.
  • Pallets: they are also good support options and give a rustic touch!
  • Metal wires on wooden slats: you can open spaces in the slats to pass the wires and hang the vegetable garden.

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