January Fruits: Enjoy the summer with this list

Ah, summer! O summer is a season that brings us a wide variety of fruits, and in it many people are more willing to consume them also to refresh themselves.

Are we going to take advantage of the wide variety that January provides and offer children these fruits in different ways?

With the holidays, we don't have school lunch boxes, but that's not why we should neglect the consumption of fruit by children. Remembering that the ideal daily consumption is three to five servings.

How about we do cold fruit salads & popsicles? Both are presentations normally well accepted by children, as, in addition to being delicious, they refresh a lot.

Popsicles based on fruit and coconut water are great options to vary your fruit consumption in the summer.
Popsicles based on fruit and coconut water are great options to vary your fruit consumption in the summer.

In order to make the most of what fruits have to offer us (fibers and vitamins), make popsicles with pieces of them instead of making them with their juices. Chop fruits of various colors and place the pieces in their own molds or bags, and complete with coconut water.

In addition to being delicious, these popsicles have a beautiful presentation and you won't lose fiber, as the fruit was not processed. Always use seasonal fruits because, in addition to being tastier, they are healthier and cheaper.

See too: How to assemble a lunch box with love

January fruits

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By Carolina Godinho

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/frutas-de-janeiro.htm

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