THESE are the technology trends that should guide the coming years

When you stop to observe, it is easy to compare and profile how technology has advanced so far. Terms like “big data”, "artificial intelligence" and “metaverse” have become more and more common and it is possible that they will be part of the daily lives of the majority of the population soon. Although it is not possible to predict the future, it is possible to get a sense of what technology trends will be for the coming years.

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Carbon Trail

According to a publication on the Fast Company website, reducing the “carbon footprint” – or “carbon trail”, in free translation” – is one of the technology trends for the coming years. This “rate” calculates the equivalent carbon emission emitted into the atmosphere by a person, activity, event, company or government.

Many companies are already starting to invest in technology that can reduce the amount of carbon emitted. One of them is Intel, which has been working on a screen that has a Human Presence Detector (HPD, in English).

The system works as follows: when a person looks away, the screen turns off and only returns to its brightness when the person returns to focus on the device.

Some companies have also been concerned about increasing the longevity of their products. The idea is that they are objects that can be repaired more easily, so that people prefer this over complete disposal. This also reduces the carbon footprint.

Environmental responsibility

Still hitting this key, Fast Company pointed out that consumers are increasingly concerned about environmental issues. In this way, they expect the companies where they buy to do the same.

Customers expect companies to be responsible with sustainability and seek alternatives so that they do not harm the environment. environment. The agenda is even more latent in younger generations.

Metaverse is the main technology trend for the coming years

Metaverso has already become a recurring theme in conversation circles, memes and has even appeared in Globo soap operas. Despite being something widely discussed, it is still not completely understood by the population. That's because, to tell you the truth, it's something that doesn't exist yet. Therefore, its concept is completely abstract.

We can say, then, that the Metaverse is a promise that is very close to being fulfilled. It will be a digital world where people will be fully immersed, interacting with objects and making purchases with the aid of augmented reality and other digital resources.

For this “digiworld” to become, in fact, a reality in people's lives, technology needs to reach out and embrace this concept. That is, hardware, software, cloud and even network connections will need to run all layers of the Metaverse seamlessly, in real time and without delay.

This new location will not emerge overnight. It could still take a few years. However, our technology is already prepared for it.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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