Survey reveals worrying situation of young Brazilians

According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), data published last Thursday state that one in four young people do not work or study at the time. According to the entity, the situation reached worrying levels, as it was pointed out that more than 23% of the population between 15 and 24 years old does not carry out any activity.

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The country was hit hard by the pandemic. The number of layoffs has increased. From a youth perspective, this increase went from 25.2% at the end of 2019 to 30.7% in the same period of 2020. Also in this period there was a drop from 56.6% to 51.8% in the participation of the young workforce in the same period.

The entity also points out that “the labor markets recovered later, and in the fourth quarter of 2021, both the unemployment rate and the participation of the labor force returned to pre-pandemic levels”, returning to the population the rates of 24.6% of youth unemployment and 56.9% of participation.

The world average of youth unemployment reaches 14.9% in 2022. Given the scenario in question, it is not surprising that Brazil finds itself in a worse scenario than this one. In comparison, Europe and Central Asia have the rate at 16% for the same group. Brazilians still occupy the position with the worst numbers in relation to the average of Latin America, where unemployment between 15 and 24 years old is around 20%.

Above average rates

Among the published data, 23.4% of Brazilians are unemployed and out of studies. The numbers compete with those prior to the pandemic, however attention is centered on the disparity reflected between the sexes, where this situation reflects 28% in women and 18% in men.

ILO Deputy Director Martha Newton highlighted a slight improvement in the youth unemployment scenario, although rates remain above the average of the years preceding the pandemic. Currently 23.3% of young people worldwide are neither employed nor enrolled in educational institutions. These are the worst numbers recorded since the collection began in 2005.

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