The 3 signs that are most likely to suffer for love

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Dealing with heartbreak is a delicate process and each person experiences it in a unique way. Some people may take longer to get over this painful experience.

Therefore, it can be said that the intensity of emotions and emotional attachment are different according to your birth chart. However, it is important to acknowledge your feelings as you try to find new love.

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These signs don't forget a heartbreak easily.


Sagittarians are known for their optimistic and adventurous nature. However, when it comes to heartbreak, it can take longer to get over it. This is a reflection of lasting relationships.

They are heavily invested in their connections, and when they are let down, they take time to recover. The search for new experiences and adventures is the best form of distraction in this case. It is necessary to leave sorrows in the past, focusing only on the future.

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The Cancer man is extremely sensitive and emotional, which causes disappointments linked to the love field to affect them deeply. These people tend to invest a lot of themselves in their peers, building strong emotional bonds.

Therefore, when faced with disappointment, they are slow to forget and move on. It is essential that Cancerians have a safe space to express their pain such as talking to close friends or relatives.


Scorpios are intense and passionate, making breaking expectations a real challenge. coup. They dive deep into their commitments, and when they feel betrayed, they become rigid.

This reaction concerns a tendency to hold resentments and relive painful memories, making healing difficult. In this perspective, changing the focus to work activities and prioritizing self-care certainly tend to be effective measures against anger.

Are you a Sagittarius, Scorpio or Cancer? Be sure to take care of your heart and take life more lightly when it comes to relationships loving. Losing someone doesn't mean you haven't done enough, so find someone else who is truly compatible.

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