These are the 20 most dangerous animals in the world

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Among the various animals present on the planet, there are some that we should keep our distance from.

Per Texty agency
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There are different species of animals in the world. Some of them can be extremely dangerous for humans. Whether mammals, birds, insects and even carnivorous plants, they can easily end the life of anyone they come into contact with. We separate for you the list of the most terrible predators of the planet!

Read more: Run away from these animals because they even devour people.

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Check the list of dangerous animals:

  1. Trapdoor spider – This one species does not build web. It catches its prey through a trapdoor with silk hinges.
  2. Killer bug – There are more than 160 species and feed on crop pests.
  3. Ambush Bug – More than 291 species. It has a super attack with its front paws and is a DC Comics character.
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  5. Tarantula – With her stinger, the female paralyzes her hairy adversary (the tarantula). It then lays a single egg that later becomes a larva and feeds on the tarantula. It has the most painful sting for humans.
  6. Goliath Spider – The largest spider in the world, it feeds on insects, small vertebrates and even birds.
  7. Velvet Worm – Lives in the soil and preys on other invertebrates.
  8. Army Ant – An entire army ant colony can consume up to 500,000 prey a day.
  9. Giant Wasp – Multiple hornet stings can be lethal.
  10. Gympie-gympie – Botanical beast with an extremely painful sting.
  11. Frogfish – Masters of camouflage. They use a lighted lure to attract prey.
  12. Cone snail – They capture their prey through their teeth and inject the toxins.
  13. Mantis Shrimp – It uses large raptorial claws to grab prey.
  14. Golden Poison Frog – One of the most toxic animals on Earth.
  15. Grasshopper Rat – It is known to be immune to the poisons released by its prey such as scorpions and snakes.
  16. Arizona Bark Scorpion – The most venomous scorpion in North America.
  17. Pitcher Plant – They attract insects to get the nitrogen and phosphorus they need to grow.
  18. Snake lily – It feeds on small ones using its pitcher-shaped leaves. They have nectar glands embedded in the "tongue" in the form of a ramp.
  19. Blue Ringed Octopus – Release poison 1,000 times more powerful than cyanide.
  20. Shrew – To survive it needs to eat 80-90% of its body weight. Thus, every day he eats insects, snails, worms and slugs.
  21. Ermine – Rabbits are their favorite meal. As a form of attack, it bites the spine on the back of the neck.

So, did you know these animals?

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