The 30 year crisis and the most common mistakes! See the top 9

Turning 30 is an important moment in many people's lives. self discovery personality, greater freedom and career success are among the characteristics most experienced by people in this age group. However, even with so many positive aspects, 30-year-olds still make certain mistakes. Find out what they are below.

Mistakes made when you're 30

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1. Prioritize safety over ambition

Upon achieving a comfortable standard of living, 30-year-olds can settle into a certain job and forget about their own dreams. At this time, it's good to keep in mind that happiness is better than a job that can cost your mental health.

2. Don't think about retirement

Retirement planning should start early in your career. But it's common for 30-year-olds not to save money for when they stop working.

3. Spend time with family and friends

The passage of time is a reality for all people. Thus, failing to make out with parents and friends can lead to future regrets.

4. Settling into bad relationships

Advancing age can make people over 30 feel like they have fewer options. Therefore, if at 20 they would end bad relationships, at 30 they are afraid of not finding anyone and settle in failed relationships.

5. Hurry to have (or not) children

Especially for women, this age becomes crucial when deciding whether or not to have children. But having a child is a decision that should be thought through seriously and without haste.

6. Comparison with people of other generations

Each generation has its characteristics, and the comparison will not necessarily be positive for your life. So, focus on your own journey.

7. Seek fun beyond account

It could be that the person didn't have enough fun at 20, or because they feel time pressure. The fact is that some people aged 30 or over spend more time at clubs and parties. No problem, just do what you want to do and not what the group tells you.

8. don't take trips

The big mistake of people aged 30 is to think that they will have the same youthfulness during maturity. Therefore, taking the opportunity to travel while still in physical and financial condition should be a priority for this group.

9. Not taking care of health

Neglecting health and physical activity is a common mistake among people in their 30s. Thus, eating well and practicing physical exercises are the best way out.

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