The bill that increases the nursing salary floor, and now, the base salary for the category is R$ 4,750. However, with the increase in the sector's payment, there may also be an increase in the prices of health plans to cover the new salary. The approval of the legislation raises concerns about public and private health institutions, based on the imminent financial impact.
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According to the National Health Confederation (CNSaúde), the new salary value may end up generating a transfer of up to 12% in the increase in monthly fees to the consumer. After all, the increase in salary demands higher expenses from the institutions, thus, the burden of contributing even more with the value to be passed on to employees falls to the consumer.
A request for suspension of the floor was submitted to the Federal Supreme Court (STF) by entities in the health category. As justification for the request, it was argued that the increase in the salary floor creates a rise in the budget, implying the decrease in the capacity to care for patients, alerting families who need home care.
The development of the issue deals with other problems that the health category has been facing with the prices of their health plans. According to the Regional Council of Nursing in Minas Gerais (Coren-MG), it is a mistake to associate the increase in the floor with the possible increase charged by the plans. According to the organization's president, Maria do Socorro Pacheco Pena, the plans already contain other urgent problems that also present high cost of resources, but that operators should not use the increase in the wage floor as a justification for increasing the charge in tuition.
“Plans need to start seeing what happens to them. Because today, if you search for assistance, you will see several complaints. Coren repudiates any statement by the health plan that its raises have to do with the nursing salary floor, which has always earned the least possible. It is the most exploited profession in Brazil”, highlighted the president of the Council.
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