'Smoke-free future': Country passes law banning people from buying cigarettes

The year 2023 will begin for New Zealand with a measure that will change the country's future. On December 13, the country's legislative parliament authorized that people born after 2008 are prohibited from buying cigarettes and tobacco derivatives.

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The bill, presented by the minister of health, Ayesha Verrall, pointed out that this is a decision "towards a smoke-free future". Basically, the number of people who smoke in New Zealand will decrease year after year with this measure.

It is estimated that by 2050, for example, people aged 40 will be seen as too young to smoke.

“Thousands of people will live longer and healthier lives and the health system will save NZ$ 5 billion (R$ 17 billion) by not having to treat the diseases caused by smoking”, said the minister.

smoking in new zealand

Currently, the rates of people who smoke in the

New Zealand reached the lowest levels that the country has ever seen in history, with only 8% of the adult population smoking every day, according to data released by the government in November. Last year, in this same period, the rate was below 9.4%.

By the year 2025, the Smoke-Free Environment Act estimates that this number could be reduced by 5%. The ultimate goal is for the practice of smoking to be extinguished in the country.

The bill also intends to limit the number of retailers selling products containing tobacco, causing the number of these establishments to drop to 600 throughout the territory.

“This means that nicotine will be reduced to non-addictive levels and communities will be free of proliferation and clustering of retailers targeting and selling tobacco products in certain areas,” said the minister of health

However, this legislation does not prohibit the use of electronic cigarettes, known as vaping. The younger generation is increasingly using vaping, leaving aside tobacco cigarettes. Science indicates that both smokes are harmful to health, but New Zealand's main focus is on extinguishing a smoking population.

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